09 April 2008


Gawd. I have such a short temper these days. I don't know if it's because of this blasted heat or the things that bug me that is making me so irritable. There's the upcoming interview with the BIG boss and possibly with the bigger one that added to the pressure. Not to mention I have yet to find my new abode here in CEB and the pending application for my vacation leave. Haay, mabuang na ko.

An innocent remark from a friend that had me fuming inside was just a testament of how short my fuse is these days. Although I was trying my damnedest not to let it show, heck, just even thinking about it now has my hackles raising. I mean, it's none their business if I wanna buy something, right? It's not like Im gonna ask them for money or anything. Hmp.

And the heat. Grrrrr. With my shift that ends almost at noon, you'd definitely feel the scorching heat of the sun. Summer na gyud. A few days ago, I've decided that I'd avoid cabs and just ride jeepneys going home to save some precious money but the blistering sunshine just melted my resolve. And the heat goes with you wherever you go. Inside the bedroom, even if you have your fan in full blast right in front of you, you'd still wake up drenched in sweat. Ugh. Makasapot gyud.